Establishment group NEWBURY ACADEMY TRUST

UID: 3987

Multi-academy trust

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Trinity School Love Lane, Shaw, Newbury, RG14 2DU
Unique group identifier (UID)
Group identifier (ID)
Company number
(also known as Companies House (CH) number)
08142572 (opens in new tab)
UK provider reference number (UKPRN)
Group type
Multi-academy trust
Incorporated on (open date)
13 July 2012
  • Trinity School

    Love Lane, Shaw, Newbury, RG14 2DU
    Phase / type
    Secondary, Academy converter
    Local authority name
    West Berkshire
    Joined date
    1 August 2012
  • Fir Tree Primary School and Nursery

    Fir Tree Lane, Newbury, RG14 2RA
    Phase / type
    Primary, Academy sponsor led
    Local authority name
    West Berkshire
    Joined date
    1 March 2013
  • Speenhamland School

    Pelican Lane, Newbury, RG14 1NU
    Phase / type
    Primary, Academy converter
    Local authority name
    West Berkshire
    Joined date
    1 February 2017

Legal duty to provide governance information

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All maintained school governing bodies and academy trusts have a legal duty to provide all of the governance information requested on this page in so far as it is available to them.

This will increase the transparency of governance arrangements. It will enable schools and the department to identify more quickly and accurately individuals who are involved in governance, and who govern in more than one context.

The information requested says nothing in itself about a person's suitability to govern. However, it is essential information for the department to be able to uniquely identify an individual and in a small number of cases conduct checks to confirm their suitability for this important and influential role.

You should provide all of the information requested insofar as it is available to you. A minimum set of information needs to be provided before a record can be saved.

A suggested privacy notice for schools is available for download: (opens in new tab)

Delegated authority of local governing body

The Board of Directors/Trustees of the Newbury Academy Trust are ultimately responsible for the quality of education in the Newbury Academy Trust (NAT) and for ensuring the NAT achieves its targets. Because it delegates much of this role to its local governing bodies (LGB), the Board of Directors hold the local governing bodies to account for the NAT’s performance and the quality of provision. The local governing bodies report termly to the board of directors. Similarly, much of the work of the local governing body allows local governors to focus in depth on specific areas. Each LGB have support from the senior leadership team in their discussions. LGBs meet at least half termly and report termly to the NAT Board of Directors. The academy’s senior leaders provide half-termly reports to the LGBs so that governors gain a good understanding of the performance of the school and of groups of students and students.

Corporate contact

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This only applies to organisations (most often a diocese or higher education institution) which are a corporate member or director/trustee of an academy trust. They should provide contact details here for someone in their organisation who can provide information on which members of their organisation have acted in the capacity of corporate member or corporate director/trustee.

Not recorded

Shared chairs of local governing body

This multi-academy trust operates a shared governance model, please see the information displayed on the individual academy records.

Shared local governors

This multi-academy trust operates a shared governance model, please see the information displayed on the individual academy records.

Chair of trustees

Chair of trustees
Name Governance role identifier (GID) Appointed by From To
Alison Jane Mitchell 1534111 Appointed by academy members 3 July 2024 2 July 2028


Name Governance role identifier (GID) Appointed by From To
William Edward Johnson 1752024 Appointed by GB/board 17 July 2024 16 July 2028
Michael Stewart Burroughs 1425762 Appointed by academy members 13 January 2024 12 January 2028
Dominic Paul 1711916 Appointed by GB/board 5 December 2023 4 December 2027
Charlotte Wilson 1053086 Appointed by academy members 11 November 2023 10 November 2027
Timothy James Morrison 1350504 Appointed by academy members 12 February 2023 11 February 2027
Martyn John Ruks 1547911 Appointed by GB/board 4 October 2021 3 October 2025


Name Governance role identifier (GID) Appointed by From
Andrew Tubbs 1455821 Appointed by academy members 22 July 2020
Paul Gerard Dick 1053067 Original (signatory) members 12 July 2012
Sheila Margaret Loy 1053063 Original (signatory) members 12 July 2012

Accounting officer

Accounting officer
Name Governance role identifier (GID) From To
Charlotte Wilson 1005536 12 July 2012 Not recorded

Chief financial officer

Chief financial officer
Name Governance role identifier (GID) From To
Marta Hlouskova 1005535 16 May 2016 Not recorded

Governance professional - multi-academy trust (MAT)

Not recorded

Shared governance professionals

Not recorded

Historic (left within last 12 months)

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Historical governance
Name Governance role identifier (GID) Role From To
Nicholas John Cornish 1053071 Member 12 July 2012 26 February 2024
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