Files available to download from 25 April 2024

This data is updated daily. The data fields and the order of the data fields can change in these downloads. If you need data in a prescribed format you should consider signing up for WebServices by submitting a Service Request (opens in new tab).

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Files can be downloaded from
11 September 2020 to present

For example, 11 09 2020

Select the files you want to download then click 'Download selected files'.

Why can't I see the files I'm looking for?

Some of the historical downloadable files may not be available for this date.

This is normally for one of the following reasons:

  • The files were not introduced until a later date
  • A technical issue resulted in the files not being generated on this date
  • The files were only available as public download and not specific scheduled extracts

Please try again tomorrow or if the error continues, raise a Service Request (opens in new tab).

Establishment downloads

You can download the complete record for the specified establishment types. There's a separate file with links to any predecessor or successor establishments.

All establishment data

Open academies and free schools data

Open state-funded schools data

Open children's centres data

Establishment groups

You can download the complete record for the specified establishment group. There's a separate file with links to any establishments associated with the groups.

All group data

Open group data


You can download the complete record for all governors listed within GIAS.

All governor data

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