System update 31 October 2023
An updated version of the Get Information about Schools (GIAS) service has been released to all users. You do not need to take any specific action unless otherwise indicated below.
This release includes the following improvements:
- Bug fixes and fine-tuning to improve the overall user experience, including:
- 173122 – fix to replace establishment address – easting and northing not updating for some users
Further information
1. Yearly update of data from the underlying data of the schools, pupils and their characteristics statistical release
The yearly update of data from the underlying data of the schools, pupils and their characteristics statistical publication has now been completed.
The fields that were updated are the:
- total number of pupils
- total number of boys
- total number of girls
- number of pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM)
- percentage of children eligible for free school meals (FSM)
2. Yearly update of data from the school level annual school census (SLASC) for independent schools only
The yearly update of data from the school level annual school census (SLASC) data collection independent schools only has now taken place.
The fields that were updated (where applicable) are:
- street
- locality
- address3
- town
- county
- postcode
- establishment name
- head first name
- head last name
- head title
- number of pupils
- number of special pupils under a special educational needs (SEN) statement/education, health and care (EHC) plan
- number of special pupils not under a special educational needs (SEN) statement/education, health and care (EHC) plan
3. Changes to the Ofsted rating field for inadequate rating
We will soon be implementing the following changes on the Ofsted rating field where the Ofsted rating currently shows as:
- 'Special Measures’ it will be replaced with ‘Inadequate (special measures)’
- 'Serious Weaknesses’ it will be replaced with ‘Inadequate (serious weaknesses)’
The Ofsted rating code field will remain the same (i.e. SM for special measures and SWK for serious weakness).
4. Establishment users – email addresses
The main establishment email address field and the alternative establishment email address field (if applicable) must contain an up-to-date, valid, and actively monitored email address. There should be no personal establishment email address or personal email address added to these fields.
The headteacher email address field must contain an up-to-date, valid, and actively monitored work email address for the headteacher/principal/manager (as applicable).
Kind regards
GIAS support team